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探索 bookai.top 16 從GPT商店定制ChatGPT。

AI Overviews | AI Web Search

By bookai.top

v2024.06.A web search GPT,Expertly crafted to leverage web-based sources for rich, detailed answers to complex inquiries.


By bookai.top

v2024.05.27. 给我10个字的问题,还你一篇2000字论文。本GPT是基于OpenAI最新发布的GPT-4o模型特点,加强升级后的版本,旨在为你提供更专业更完整的回答。Give me a 10-word question, and I'll return a 2000-word essay. This GPT is based on OpenAI's latest GPT-4o model, enhanced and upgraded to provide you with more professional and comprehensive answers.

Smarter GPT

By bookai.top

v2023.05.20. This GPT is designed to address the recent laziness issue with GPT-4o and will treat you as an extremely smart expert user, striving to provide detailed and professional answers to all your questions.

更勤奋更聪明的GPT4 - 联网版(New Version)

By bookai.top


AI使用助手 by 花生

By bookai.top

这是花生的专栏「ChatGPT精进指南」的专属GPT,你可以询问任何关于ChatGPT使用技巧和经验方面的内容,我将基于专栏内容为你提供解答。Created by AI进化论-花生

GPT Finder 👉 Search BEST GPT in 3,000,000+ GPT

By bookai.top

Quickly find the best GPT for you from the 3 million GPTs available at the GPT Store.可使用中文进行搜索与模糊查询,Created by AI进化论-花生


By bookai.top


Stable Diffusion提示词生成器

By bookai.top

可能是最理解SD提示词结构的GPT了。Created by AI进化论-花生

亚马逊SEO专家 - 快速生成Amazon英文站商品名称与简介

By bookai.top

根据你提供的商品名称、简介或亚马逊/京东/淘宝链接,生成适应Amazon SEO规则的产品英文标题与简介。YouTube/油管:AI进化论-花生

Logo Expert - 会向你解释设计理念的logo设计专家

By bookai.top

这是一个具有自己的设计理念和风格的logo设计师,只需说出你的需求就会立刻帮你生成logo。同时它会引导你一步步微调设计,满足你的要求。 Created by AI进化论-花生

AI阅读助手 - 读书神器 - Read Better

By bookai.top

你的阅读小帮手,发送书名、上传书籍文件,或复制京东、豆瓣、Amazon书籍链接即可快速获得书籍总结,同时在你阅读过程中可以提供章节推荐、概念解释、读后测试等帮助,让你更好更快的掌握一本书。当然,也能给你智能推荐书籍。Created by AI进化论-花生

✍️StableDiffusion Prompt Generator

By bookai.top

# 1 Stable Diffusion Prompt Generator


By bookai.top



By bookai.top

请描述你想要生成的GIF场景,我会思考最符合该场景特点的九帧画面,通过DALLE生成九宫格图片,再通过对图片的切割拼接成GIF给你。你的描述越精准,要求越丰富,生成的GIF会越优质。Created by AI进化论-花生

BookAI - Read ANY Book in 5 Minutes

By bookai.top

Your advanced AI reading assistant, providing swift, intelligent summaries and insights from books. you can just send a book title or a link from Amazon to quickly get a book summary. Equipped to engage in deep discussions and offer tailored book recommendations.


By bookai.top更勤奋更聪明的GPT4 review4.297

v2024.04.03。本GPT旨在解决GPT4最近变懒变笨的问题,它会把你视为极其聪明🧠的专家用户,给你的所有提问🔍提供详尽和专业的回答📚。This GPT is designed🛠️ to address the recent laziness issue with GP4; it will treat you as an extremely intelligent expert user🎓, providing detailed and professional answers📖 to all your questions.