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/ Hugging Face AI

Hugging Face AI

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Hugging Face is the AI community platform where machine learning enthusiasts collaborate on models, datasets, and applications. Users can explore trending models, datasets, and applications, as well as create, discover, and collaborate on machine learning projects. The platform offers paid Compute and Enterprise solutions for accelerated ML development, with options for optimized inference endpoints and enterprise-grade security. Hugging Face also hosts a wide range of open-source tools for ML, including Transformers, Diffusers, Safetensors, Hub Python Library, and Tokenizers. With over 50,000 organizations using Hugging Face, including notable names like Amazon Web Services and Google, the platform is a hub for advancing the future of AI technology.

  • 추가된 날짜 2024.6.22
  • Over 22.3M monthly visits.
  • Hugging Face AI

    Hugging Face AI 특징

    • AI community building platform
    • Collaboration on models, datasets, applications
    • Browse 400k+ models
    • Browse 150k+ applications
    • Browse 100k+ datasets
    • Open source stack for ML
    • Text, image, video, audio, 3D modalities
    • Share work to build ML profile
    • Paid Compute and Enterprise solutions
    • 50,000+ organizations using Hugging Face

    Hugging Face AI 자주 묻는 질문

    • Hugging Face is the AI community building the future, where the machine learning community collaborates on models, datasets, and applications.
    • On Hugging Face, you can find models, datasets, spaces, posts, docs, solutions, and pricing information.
    • Some trending models on Hugging Face include stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium, nvidia/Nemotron-4-340B-Instruct, and microsoft/Florence-2-large.
    • In Spaces on Hugging Face, you can run applications like Stable Diffusion 3 Medium, OpenGPT 4o, Omni-Zero, and more.
    • Hugging Face offers datasets like nvidia/HelpSteer2, ShareGPT4Video/ShareGPT4Video, BAAI/Infinity-Instruct, and more.
    • Hugging Face allows users to create, discover, and collaborate on machine learning projects, explore all modalities (text, image, video, audio, 3D), build their ML portfolio, and access paid Compute and Enterprise solutions.

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