/ Text-to-Speech
/ ChatTTS

ChatTTS 是什麼?

ChatTTS is a text-to-speech model designed specifically for dialogue scenario such as LLM assistant. It supports both English and Chinese languages. Our model is trained with 100,000+ hours composed of chinese and english. The open-source version on HuggingFace is a 40,000 hours pre trained model without SFT.

  • 添加於 2024.5.29
  • ChatTTS

    ChatTTS 功能

    • Generative speech model for daily dialogue
    • Supports English and Chinese languages
    • Trained with 100,000+ hours of data
    • Designed for dialogue scenarios like LLM assistant
    • Text-to-speech model
    • Includes example.ipynb for usage demonstration
    • Web interface available with webui.py
    • Multi-language support
    • Large dataset for training
    • Specifically trained for dialogue scenarios

    ChatTTS 常見問題

    • ChatTTS is a generative speech model designed for daily dialogue scenarios such as LLM assistant. It supports both English and Chinese languages.
    • The model is trained with 100,000+ hours composed of Chinese and English.
    • ChatTTS supports both English and Chinese languages.
    • The repository includes files such as .gitignore, LICENSE, README.md, example.ipynb, requirements.txt, and webui.py.
    • The purpose of ChatTTS is to provide a text-to-speech model specifically designed for dialogue scenarios like LLM assistant.

    ChatTTS Github

    ChatTTS Github 連結:

    ChatTTS 替代方案

    Seed-TTS emerges as a breakthrough in text-to-speech technology, closely mimicking human speech and offering nuanced control, with its non-autoregressive variant, Seed-TTS DiT, simplifying the speech generation process.
