/ AI Productivity Tools
/ Claid AI

Claid AI 是什麼?

AI Product Photography Suite - Claid.ai offers a solution for businesses to create high-quality product images quickly and easily. With over 10,000 businesses already trusting Claid AI, users can achieve consistency in their visuals by standardizing backgrounds and image sizes. The platform also offers features like background removal, color correction, and face restoration to enhance images and improve conversions. Testimonials from satisfied customers highlight the effectiveness of Claid's solutions in improving image quality and streamlining editing processes. By using Claid's API integration, businesses can automate the process of enhancing image quality, saving time and improving customer satisfaction.

  • 添加於 2024.6.22
  • Over 300.8K monthly visits.
  • Claid AI

    Claid AI 功能

    • Generate AI backgrounds instantly
    • Create product photos in seconds
    • Standardize catalogue with uniform background
    • Boost conversions with enhanced images
    • Upscale photo size for higher conversion
    • Remove background with Smart Frame
    • Improve perception score with AI Color Correction
    • API integration for instant access to results
    • Increase purchase intent with UGC
    • Key deciding factor for consumers with Face Restoration

    Claid AI 常見問題

    • Claid.ai's AI Product Photography Suite is a tool that helps businesses edit and create high-quality product images instantly.
    • Claid.ai's AI Product Photography Suite can help businesses achieve consistency in their product images, boost conversions with enhanced visuals, and simplify the content creation process.
    • Some key features of Claid.ai's AI Product Photography Suite include background removal, color correction, upscaling, and smart framing.
    • Businesses can try Claid.ai's AI Product Photography Suite for free with 5 products, with no credit card required.
    • Customers like Rappi and Mixtiles have reported significant time savings and improvements in image quality by using Claid.ai's AI Product Photography Suite.

    Claid AI 定價

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    Claid AI 職業

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    Claid AI 替代方案

    Jector offers Studio Directors & AI Creation Tool for creating AI backgrounds. Customers save time and costs, making communication more efficient and reducing delivery times.


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