/ Large Language Models
/ Mistral Ai

什么是Mistral Ai?

Mistral AI offers open and portable generative AI technology for developers and businesses. Their three open source models, Mistral 7B, Mixtral 8x7B, and Mixtral 8x22B, are customizable for various use cases and can be downloaded or used on their platform. For optimized performance, Mistral AI also provides commercial models like Mistral Small and Mistral Large, accessible on La Plateforme and through cloud partners. The company focuses on openness, portability, value, speed, and customization, catering to a wide range of businesses from startups to large corporations. With a small, innovative team, Mistral AI aims to create efficient and powerful AI models with a strong research foundation and entrepreneurial mindset. Join their mission by signing up and exploring their technology.

  • 添加于 2024.6.16
  • Over 4.1M monthly visits.
  • Mistral Ai

    Mistral Ai 特点

    • Open source generative AI models
    • Customizable for various use cases
    • Optimized commercial models for business value
    • Available for deployment on own infrastructure
    • Accessible on La Plateforme and cloud partners
    • Cutting-edge AI technology for developers
    • Focus on openness and transparency
    • Portability across different deployment options
    • Top-tier reasoning in multiple languages
    • Models fine-tuned for business differentiation

    Mistral Ai 常见问题

    • Mistral AI offers three open source models - Mistral 7B, Mixtral 8x7B, and Mixtral 8x22B, which can be downloaded or used on demand via their platform.
    • Developers can deploy Mistral AI's open source models in their own environment by downloading them or use them on La Plateforme for market-leading availability, speed, and quality control.
    • Mistral AI offers optimized models, Mistral Small and Mistral Large, which provide higher performance, efficiency, and extra capabilities for businesses. These models can be accessed on La Plateforme and through cloud partners like Azure, AWS, and Snowflake.
    • Mistral AI leads the market of open source generative technologies to bring trust and transparency in the field and foster decentralised technology development. Their independence from cloud providers guarantees customers' independence.
    • Mistral AI's flagship model, Mistral Large, has independently validated top-tier reasoning in multiple languages. All their models bring unmatched value and latency at their price points.

    Mistral Ai 注册

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